

Ayurveda means “ the science of life/longevity”, and is classical Indian medicine. It is the oldest recorded existing medicine, and is the grandparent of everything else that I practice (yoga and mindfulness are part of this Vedic system). It has strong technical history of mastery (providing drugs from plants and the origins of modern surgeries), and also a wide folkloric tradition - medicine for the people. In Ayurveda, we take one’s entire life into consideration - everything is relevant, as nothing happens in isolation. We recognize that we make thousands of choices each week, and each affects our health and well-being.


Ayurveda is a complete system of health care, including philosophy, anatomy, physiology, diagnostics, pathology, and treatment protocol. We investigate daily routines, diet, exercise, sleep, stress, relationships, emotions, etc to clearly understand your personal constitution, based on the natural elements (dosha), and qualities (gunas) to design the best personalized health protocol for you each season and stage of life. Herbs, stress management, yoga or other movement therapy, and nutrition are the most common tools I use, but as you’ll see here, options are truly varied.


Many people today have settled for average, or even low quality health. I offer a different way - Ayurveda for taking care of the whole person - we improve the quality of life all the way around. This also gives us multiple doorways to enter into healing.


For more in-depth understanding of this effective and complex system, check out some of the modern master’s articles here:




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